Apple TU016ZM/A Nike + iPod WatchRemote Reviews
Apple TU016ZM/A Nike + iPod WatchRemote Reviews
Other products by Apple Computer Ratting 3.5 Out of 5.0 Special Offer Total New 2 Total Use 0
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The Nike + iPod WatchRemote is a watch and a remote for the Nike+ experience. It lets you control your iPod from your wrist and hear instant voice feedback of your time, distance, calories, and pace when you use it with the Nike + iPod Sport Kit and Nike+ Ready shoes. Or wear the watch alone for a stylish, unique timepiece. Raised remote buttons for easy grip and precision
Technical Details
- The Nike + iPod Sport Kit you can control Next track/last track; Pause/resume; Volume increase and decrease; Voice feedback when running- Durable polyurethane strap with stainless steel closure for a secure, comfortable fit
- LED displays time of day and icons for iPod music controls and volume when activated by the remote
- Instant voice feedback detailing time, distance, calories, and pace
- PowerSong accessed through left-side button for quick motivation
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By Brian Dowrick (Hawthorne, CA United States)
I have the Sport package. It comes with a Receiver, and a Chip you stick in your shoe. With any iPod
you bought from 2009+ you do not need the receiver. You only need the chip (and a holder for it, if you don't have the special Nike+ shoes).
The watch-Remote is the same deal. You don't need the receiver if your iPod is 2009+.
I bought this because I wanted everything to be Nike+. I thought it was better and would link together more cleanly if everything was all the same name brand.
I was wrong.
The Chip synced up nicely in just a few seconds, and I had my Workouts going just fine.
The Watch-Remote is another story.
With the Receiver, without the Receiver, makes no difference. It's not linking up to the iPod Touch.
If you do a search for a few minutes on line about "Nike iPod Watch Remote", or look at the iPod, or Nike+ Forums, you will see a tidal wave of bad reviews, and syncing issues. There are several suggestions, but none worked for me, nor about 70% of the people who had the same issue.
Solutions Include:
--Resetting the ipod
--Updating the iPod
--Putting a new battery in the remote
--Linking/unlinking turning remote commands on/off
--Trying to sync the remote and iPod with Receiver Plugged in (the first time).
--Pressing the PLAY button on the Remote, Before trying to Sync.
According to Tech support: "Replace the battery. The watch function and the light display will continue to function on Low Battery; the remote control function is typically the first function to suffer when battery power is diminishing."
This worked. The battery needed is CR1632. Buy three when you buy your watch. You'll need them.
The left button that controls the Pace, Distance, etc. Announcement, is the Power Song button. You have to press and hold for 3 seconds.
The delay for almost all the buttons is less then .5 seconds.
When pausing and restarting the Workout, it Speaks "pausing Workout" and turns the volume down before stopping. It's not instant.
This remote ONLY WORKS when you are running. I tried tricking it. I moved my shoe around and started the workout. After the shoe didn't move for 2 minutes, the remote stopped controlling the iPod.
Remember this, if you hit a long RED-Light while running.
This remote ONLY WORKS if you are using the Nike+ Workout. It will not control your music if the workout is not running.
I also notice a lot of people giving 5 star reviews for the watch with statements like: "I love it. It's my 3rd one this year. I can't live without it." , "Its great, when it works.", "High Quality, but the battery dies after 2 uses." etc. etc.
5 Stars is supposed to be for something that is perfect, not something with so many obvious flaws.
The buttons are easy to find, but hard to press, there is a lot of resistance. I guess they didn't want you accidentally hitting the buttons.
The watch is almost useless.
Yeah, it looks cool, but you can't just glance at it, and know the time. You have to press the Right button and it will scroll the time with it's LEDs. Tough to read in bright light.
A much better suggestion for controlling your iPod with a Watch Remote is the Timex Unisex Blue Ironman Sleek iControl Resin Strap Watch #T5K049 You can control the music at any time, and it reads as a watch. Snowboarding is good. You can use it with your gloves on.
By R. Smith (Michigan)
What can I say, it just works. After looking for a Nike+ remote locally and finding nothing, I purchased this one and it works better than I could have imagined. Go to the next song, push a button. Go back a song, push a button. Adjust the volume up, push a button, down; push a button.
I used to fumble with my encased Nano and end up doing something that I didn't want to happen and with this it's a breeze! I can concentrate on relaxing and my pace rather than dinking around with the volume and skipping a song.
Does it tell time? Yes. Is it 'unique how it does that? Yes. Does it matter to me? No! I don't watch my watch when I'm running, I watch the road!
It's perfect for me and what I wanted.
By Jeffrey Holder
it worked for a couple of runs after the initial link to my Nike+ receiver on my iPod Nano 3G . Then I could not get it to control the Nike+ interface anymore. after working w/ Nike tech support I had to send it back. Now I am sending the 2nd one back. Don't waste your money or time. it's too bad, this should be a simple thing to program and should work every time. it is extremely frustrating when it stops functioning just before a long run.
By Eric Taylor (Southern California)
I use this with my iPhone 3GS which has support for Nike+
>The buttons work to manage the volume, skip back or forward tracks of music, pause and end the workout, and to have the male or female voice read back your progress in the middle of the run. The left side button will also activate your "Power Song"
>The band fits well, is attractive and seems to be quite durable. It also appears to resist moisture and perspiration
>While the LED watch is cleverly designed (it scrolls the time across the display), its really only readable in a very dark environment (like in a dark room or at night)
>If you have your iPhone in your pocket while you run, anytime you make an adjustment with the remote, the screen powers on and the onscreen controls become active. This is a problem because as the phone is bouncing about in your pocket, your leg may inadvertently activate any of these controls. The fix for this is to put it in an armband or other case you can attach to the waistband of your pants or shorts
>The device was crippled so it can ONLY be used if you are using the Nike+ application and you are on a workout and your shoe sensor is active (ie. your feet are moving). It CANNOT be used to control the ipod of your iPhone otherwise.
>One little bug (fixable I'm sure) - when you end your workout with the remote, the "voice" is supposed to read you a summary of your workout - unfortunately, it cuts off after just a few words. When you end your workout by tapping on the iPhone screen instead, you get the whole synopsis.
For me it's worth the money because it's too cumbersome (and dangerous) to manage your music and your run on the iPhone screen.
The remote functions work well overall - but you'll have to invest in a case for the iPhone to keep it away from any contact with your body to avoid inadvertent control activations on the screen.
Don't plan on using it as a watch (or as an ipod remote outside of the Nike+ application).
TIP: turn off the "Shake to shuffle" function on your iPhone or you may inadvertently shuffle your songs while you run
By John Smith (Bloomington, IL)
This is exactly what we were looking for. Controls the Nike+ perfectly. Very happy with this product.
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